About me
Sophia Legros is the Vice President of Product Integrity, Compliance, and Sustainability at Catalyst Brands (formerly SPARC Group LLC). Since joining the company, she has played a pivotal role in shaping its brand identity and driving expansion into new markets. With a sharp eye for emerging trends in product integrity, social compliance, and sustainability, along with a deep understanding of consumer behavior, she has helped position Catalyst Brands as a global leader in apparel.
Leveraging her global leadership and cross-functional partnerships, Sophia navigates the evolving fashion landscape, addressing product integrity, sustainability, and social compliance from federal, global, and consumer perspectives.
Before joining Catalyst Brands, she held key leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies and startups, where she successfully developed cost-effective programs in product integrity, social compliance, and sustainability. Her strategic initiatives have included launching collections, increasing sales, and expanding brand reach.
A champion of creativity and innovation, Sophia fosters collaboration across design, marketing, and production teams to drive meaningful and sustainable change in the fashion industry.