About me
Jonathan is frequently asked to handle challenging cases involving consumer products, particularly those involving children and/or serious or fatal injuries to others. He also advises domestic and overseas manufacturers on their regulatory and product liability challenges across the United States, and continues to try cases in courtrooms across the United States.
As an analyst, Jonathan created Magnitude®, a Monte Carlo system designed to help cutting-edge companies condense legal advice into a series of potential outcomes. Magnitude® is particularly useful for valuing tort and IP litigation risks, but can assist with complex decisions of many kinds.
Jonathan is particularly focused on the growing role of Adaptive Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in the automotive sector. Successful defense of ADAS, both within litigation and to the public, is much easier when counsel are as capable working inside modeling software as they are in a courtroom. Attorneys who already understand statistics and machine learning are best placed to hit the ground running when an ADAS issue arises.