Thursday February 20, 2025 10:20am - 10:50am EST
Data on the body dimensions of youth are widely used in design and regulatory applications. However, the U.S. has not had a public, well-sampled, detailed child anthropometry study since the 1970s. Importantly, less information is available on body shape. To address this gap, body size, shape, health and physical capability data were gathered on 600 children ages 3 through 17 years. Data included 1D and 3D anthropometry (head, hand, foot and whole body), body composition, and measures of strength and fitness. Study outcomes will be used to create a new public archive of anthropometry and physical development data for U.S. youth. The dataset and interactive design tools will serve as a valuable resource for the design and evaluation of products and systems children use.
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:20am - 10:50am EST
Exhibitor Hall (Grand Cypress Ballroom Level)

Attendees (3)

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